
The beginning of the end

The end of my college career, that is. My excitement level is through the roof! I've got a lot to post about and once I tackle these finals, this blog will get some much needed attention. For now, I'll leave you with some unreal embroidery by Maricor/Maricar

Makes me want to pull out all my mom's embroidery supplies and give it another go.


LindseyWatts said...

I envy you so much! I wish I could be done with school! It's like there's no end in sight! Can't wait for more blog posts!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, the end is as glorious as you can imagine it to be. :) You'll have LOTS more time to fill your life up with things you used to love - like embrodery maybe? I'm happy for you!

LindseyWatts said...

p.s. i forgot to tell you that my blog address has changed. it's now: lindseypilgrim.blogspot.com